So! There were millions of teens who drank alcohol and smoked cigarettes yet that didn't stop or prevent the legal drinking age from being raised to 21 and the Legal age to smoke being raised to 18. All we need is the will to do it. On the other hand if we as a nation are not willing to protect the mental health of our children by limiting their access to social media until they are adults. Then we have no right to complain of their continuing declining mental health issues. In other words those complaining but unwilling to do what needs to be done about it need to put up or shut up.

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No one under 18 should be allowed to have a social media account and game apps should be age restricted as well.

During homeroom students should be required to put their phones on silent and verified by the homeroom teachers.

Text books should be digitalized and distributed to students phones to be used in class and at home.

Students should be able to download library books from a central data base throughout the entire year including during the summer and holidays.

These are just a few suggestions and more importantly students should be taught that phones are tools and how to use them properly and appropriately.

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I agree Dabir, it seems to be social media rather than phones. However, gaming apps pose a similar issue. Parents and teachers should spend more time on educating the issue too. However, what if social media companies refuse to change their policy?

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May 27·edited May 27

That's where the Govt steps in by increasing the age of accessing Social Media from 13 to 18 yrs old. Using the same regulations that put a stop to the tobacco companies targeting children through their advertising: such as the Joe Camel cartoon figure used to promote smoking.

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May 28·edited May 28Author

The government need to step up, I agree, but depending on your country, they are influenced by these big corporations too. We already have millions of users under 13. The age of access is definitely a key aspect.

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